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From the chart below, according to December statistics, and looking at around different countries worldwide, Facebook is the top of the world's most popular social networks with a market share, followed by Google+ with and immediately afterwards YouTube and Twitter with market share. Many researchers and academics have dealt with the marketing science. One of the first scientists in the field, who has been youtube accounts for sale described as the father of marketing, is Philip. In terms of marketing, the key to achieving organizational goals is to identify the needs and desires of targeted markets and to provide desirable satisfaction in a more efficient and effective manner than competition. Regarding the definition of marketing, there are various views that converge to it.

Specifically, according to the American Marketing Association, marketing is an activity in all businesses and organizations, as well as processes for creating, communicating, distributing and exchanging products and services that have value for customers, partners, And society in general. Also, the British Institute of Marketing Institute suggests that marketing is the administrative process that is responsible for identifying, forecasting and meeting customer requirements in a profitable way. Thus, according to the above definitions, marketing can be defined as organizing and managing exchanges physical and intangible goods, information, relationships, relationships, experiences between the business and the market in a way that satisfies the youtube accounts for free business customers And to achieve its objectives.The goal of marketing is to make the sale unnecessary.

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The goal is to create a product that fully meets consumer needs so that consumers are willing to buy it on their own. Marketing helps the business to understand the needs and desires of consumers, to create a product that meets these needs, to inform consumers about this product and, after that, to reach their own hands. Below is a simple diagram illustrating the evolutionary pathway from consumer needs to marketing: In terms of marketing activities, they are considered particularly important for both business and the economy. In particular, marketing activities help businesses develop new and successful products, satisfy consumers, and thus generate profits that are necessary for their operation. Nonprofit organizations use marketing to secure donations and revenues to finance their goals.

Business profits are necessary for the sound development of a country's economy, the purchase of raw materials, the employment of its productive factors, and the provision of capital for investment. Marketing activities improve the quality of life of consumers as well as their awareness of the choices available. Having as a starting point consumers, they help to inform them properly, to offer innovative products that meet their needs, to constantly improve existing products caused by full consumer information for all competing products, to reduce unethical and misleading commercial movements, The evaluation of trade actions and their improvement. Consumers get a voice that is heard, and they have the ability to choose from a variety of different products, those that perfectly meet their needs. According to, marketing activities are not determined by chance.

They are defined and implemented youtube accounts for free in order to achieve an objective set by the enterprise. Marketing activities, that is, the course leading to the final destination of the business. This course is determined by the marketing strategy. Therefore, marketing strategy is the choice and analysis of the target market and the development and maintenance of the appropriate marketing mix that satisfies those who make up the target market. A marketing strategy combines product development, promotion, distribution, pricing, management relationship, and other elements such as identifying defined marketing goals and how they can be achieved ideally within a set timetable. Through marketing, it is sought by the business, acquaintance and understanding of the consumer so well that the product or service suits it to more info such an extent that it is essentially sold itself. According to the marketing ideology, the goal of the business is not simply to make profits by selling its product.